
Next Meeting
Family BBQ Picnic
N6RO Antenna Farm

Sunday, October 20, 2024
See Meetings Page For Details

98% - Almost There !


The Northern California Contest Club is a specialized amateur radio club devoted to the pursuit of operating and technical excellence in radio contesting. Our goals are:

  • To promote the fun, satisfaction and competitive thrill of radio contesting
  • To help our members develop their operating and technical skills to become better contesters
  • To win the club competition of major amateur radio contests

As an ARRL affiliated Club, NCCC was founded in August 1970. We have over 300 active members located throughout Northern California and parts of Nevada. NCCC counts as its members many #1 world ranked contest winners. NCCCers are also into DXing, technical design and construction (especially antennas), and public service. NCCC is a non-profit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and therefore all donations to the NCCC are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

NCCC is:

  • The only West Coast club to win the ARRL Sweepstakes unlimited club competition, a record set 17 times, most recently 2007. Here is the ARRL Club Competition Unlimited Gavel for the 2005 win.
  • The only West Coast club to ever win the CQ WW club competition.
  • The club that has been running the premier state QSO party, the California QSO Party (CQP) since 1974. CQP is the most popular U.S. state QSO party and is widely entered by amateurs around the world. Many top contesters use it as a "tune-up" event for CQWW and SS since it opens the Fall contest season.
  • The club that sponsors NS (NCCC Sprint), the Thursday night 30 minute CW and RTTY contests.  The goal is to engage new contesters and give current contesters a "fix" between official Sprints and other contests.  Three special CW Ladder competitions of 5 or 8 weeks are run in the Winter Spring and Summer. Scores accumulate week-to-week and special awards are given. In the Spring and early summer, when there are fewer major contests, NCCC runs a 12 event NS series with published ladder results and wine awards. Click here for the NS rules and more details on the ladder. 
  • The club that brought you the 1996 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC-96).

NCCC members stay in close touch through the club’s newsletter The JUG, via the Internet using the club’s email reflector, and through regular club monthly meetings around the SF Bay Area.  We also have a Members Page on this site.

Membership in the NCCC provides the opportunity to work side by side with the best. Cooperation and teamwork, coupled with a strong spirit of competition, are the essence of NCCC accomplishments and contest victories. Our official slogan is "Kick Butt!"

We would love to have you join us!

Contact Information:
The NCCC is led by an enthusiastic group of dedicated officers and board members.  If you would like more information, please contact any one of them.

All NCCC web sites are hosted by QTH.com.  Web design and maintenance by K6MM